Agrivert is the market leader in designing, building and operating sewage sludge treatment facilities. Agrivert has over 30 years of experience providing sewage sludge treatment plants for the water industry and thus has extensive knowledge of sewage sludge dewatering, handling, storage, blending, polymer preparation, treatment and odour control. All Agrivert's solutions are designed from the end product backwards.
Sewage sludge cake reception, conveying & cake storage
Bulk loads of up to 28.5t of dewatered cake are rapidly discharged into sealed cake reception bunkers in an odour-controlled building, with no need for manual intervention or mobile plant. Sewage sludge is conveyed from bunkers, via sealed screw conveyors, into storage silos. Sealed conveying systems ensure cleanliness, odour control and reliable handling. Storage silo capacities can range from 60-700t. Moving floors and screw conveyors meter the cake out of the silos into the next part of the process. Vehicle loading is also carried out in an enclosed, odour-controlled building.

Anaerobic digestion
Mesophilic anaerobic digestion (AD) creates an environment in which cultures of microorganisms can physically digest the organic matter. Large quantities of biogas, rich in biomethane, are produced and used to create renewable energy. This process efficiently destroys solids, significantly reducing the volume and dramatically reducing the odour signature of the final dewatered sewage sludge.
CHP electricity generator combined heat and power engines are used to combust the biomethane harvested from the AD process and drive an electrical generator to produce renewable energy.
The heat produced by the engine is captured and used to provide heat for the THP and AD process. Cooling operations can also be employed when using a Combined Cycle Heat and Power unit (CCHP).

Gas to grid injection
Direct injection of biomethane into the national grid can be undertaken instead of, or in conjunction with, CHP gas combustion. This represents a highly efficient use of biogas. Biogas scrubbing removes the carbon dioxide leaving a methane-rich gas for entry to the grid.
Richard Murray, Northumbrian Water
“Agrivert create practical, robust solutions that are delivered on time, commission successfully and provide years of successful operation.”