15 January 2025
The Complexities of Siting Anaerobic Digestion Facilities.
The debate over the most suitable locations for waste recycling plants, particularly those processing organic waste such as Anaerobic Digestion (AD) facilities, has been widely discussed.

The Key Challenges:
On one hand, waste producers aim to reduce waste miles by siting facilities closer to the sources of waste. On the other, most organic waste recycling plants—whether AD or composting facilities—require proximity to bulk agricultural markets for compost and digestate.
Anaerobic Digestion Advancements:
Anaerobic Digestion has significantly addressed many of the odour issues that previously hindered its placement near populated areas. However, many operators report that odours from food waste lorries delivering to plants remain a major source of public complaints, which are challenging to mitigate.
Complex Factors in Site Selection:
The siting of an AD facility is inherently complex. Beyond planning policy, factors such as gas and electrical grid connections, road access, product markets, and local sensitivities all play significant roles.
The Big Question:
Facilities near residential areas must implement more effective measures to mitigate odour and other emissions, which drives up capital expenditure (CAPEX). Furthermore, land prices in industrial zones tend to be higher, making urban organic waste facilities more costly than their rural counterparts. The critical question is whether urban developers, such as Dark Green, can secure premium gate fees from waste producers to offset the additional CAPEX required to build facilities that operate harmoniously within local communities.